Never Touch a Shark!

325,00 TL
Stok Kodu
Make Believe Ideas
Sayfa Sayısı
325,00 TL
* 33,31 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!

You must never touch a shark . . . unless it’s in this book! This ocean-themed touch-and-feel book is perfect for young children. They will love reading the funny rhyme that warns of the dangers of touching sea creatures – and then ignoring the advice! Innovative silicone touches feature throughout the book, with a different texture for children to explore on every spread. A TACTILE SILICONE TOUCH-AND-FEEL BOOK ABOUT SHARKS AND OTHER SEA CREATURES!

  • Fun silicone touches in different colours and textures on every spread are exciting for little hands to explore!
  • The amusing rhyming text will engage both young readers and adults.
  • Each spread features a bright and amusing illustration that will entertain young children.
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Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
Never Touch a Shark! 2004 yılında kurulan Make Believe Ideas, biririnde tatlı heyecan verici çocuk kitapları ile PureModule'de sizlerle birlikte. Never Touch a Shark! MBI9781788436809
Never Touch a Shark!

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